Quickly computes a cis-trans ratio of interactions.




A HiCExperiment object over the full genome


a tibble, listing for each chr. the % of cis/trans interactions


full_contacts_yeast <- contacts_yeast(full = TRUE)
#> see ?HiContactsData and browseVignettes('HiContactsData') for documentation
#> loading from cache
#> # A tibble: 16 × 6
#> # Groups:   chr [16]
#>    chr       cis  trans n_total cis_pct trans_pct
#>    <fct>   <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>     <dbl>
#>  1 I      186326  96738  283064   0.658     0.342
#>  2 II     942728 273966 1216694   0.775     0.225
#>  3 III    303980 127087  431067   0.705     0.295
#>  4 IV    1858062 418218 2276280   0.816     0.184
#>  5 V      607090 220873  827963   0.733     0.267
#>  6 VI     280282 127771  408053   0.687     0.313
#>  7 VII   1228532 335909 1564441   0.785     0.215
#>  8 VIII   574086 205122  779208   0.737     0.263
#>  9 IX     474182 179280  653462   0.726     0.274
#> 10 X      834656 259240 1093896   0.763     0.237
#> 11 XI     775240 245899 1021139   0.759     0.241
#> 12 XII   1182742 278065 1460807   0.810     0.190
#> 13 XIII  1084810 296351 1381161   0.785     0.215
#> 14 XIV    852516 256639 1109155   0.769     0.231
#> 15 XV    1274070 351132 1625202   0.784     0.216
#> 16 XVI   1070700 313520 1384220   0.774     0.226