Export methods to save a HiCExperiment object into a set of HiC-Pro-style files (matrix & regions files)
## ----------- Importing .(m)cool contact matrices ---------- ##
mcoolPath <- HiContactsData::HiContactsData('yeast_wt', 'mcool')
#> see ?HiContactsData and browseVignettes('HiContactsData') for documentation
#> loading from cache
hic <- import(mcoolPath, format = 'mcool', resolution = 16000)
export(hic["II"], prefix = 'subset_chrII', format = 'cool')
#> Writing /bins table to subset_chrII.cool file...
#> Writing /chroms table to subset_chrII.cool file...
#> Writing /pixels table to subset_chrII.cool file...
#> Writing /indexes table to subset_chrII.cool file...
#> CoolFile object
#> .mcool file: subset_chrII.cool
#> resolution: 16000
#> pairs file:
#> metadata(0):
export(hic["II"], prefix = 'subset_chrII', format = 'HiC-Pro')
#> Writing regions to subset_chrII_regions.bed file...
#> Writing raw count matrix to subset_chrII_matrix.mtx file...
#> HicproFile object
#> HiC-Pro files:
#> $ matrix: subset_chrII_matrix.mtx
#> $ regions: subset_chrII_regions.bed
#> resolution: 16000
#> pairs file:
#> metadata(0):