You can install the released version of dnaRt from Github with:
This is a basic example which shows you how to generate dn&art graphics. I used my “variables” to define the project:
Plots can be piped with magrittr
is used to specify which value to use to filter out points:
should be used (if a full disc shape is wanted, don’t use filterBy
, then points exceeding this date are further removed
# ------- Make several graphics with options (shape, filtering, both)
dnart_project %>%
plotArt(age = 2) %>%
plotArt(age = 10) %>%
plotArt(age = 20)
dnart_project %>%
addRingShape() %>%
plotArt(age = 2) %>%
plotArt(age = 10) %>%
filterBy('dist_shape') %>%
plotArt(age = 20) %>%
plotArt(age = 40) %>%
plotArt(age = 60) %>%
plotArt(age = 80) %>%
plotArt(age = 90) %>%
dnart_project %>%
addEllipticShape() %>%
filterBy('dist_shape') %>%
plotArt(age = 2) %>%
plotArt(age = 10) %>%
plotArt(age = 80)
dnart_project %>%
addLoessShape() %>%
filterBy('dist_shape') %>%
plotArt(age = 2) %>%
plotArt(age = 10) %>%
plotArt(age = 80)
dnart_project %>%
addLineShape() %>%
filterBy('dist_shape') %>%
plotArt(age = 2) %>%
plotArt(age = 10) %>%
plotArt(age = 80)
# ------ Simulate a single project
dnart_project <- randomProject(given = 'Jacques', dob = '20/06/1992')
pal = scale_fill_gradientn(colours = wesanderson::wes_palette("Royal1", 5, type = "continuous"))
dnart_project %>%
addPalette(pal) %>%
plotArt(age = 2, max.radius = 0.0075) %>%
plotArt(age = 10, max.radius = 0.0075) %>%
plotArt(age = 20, max.radius = 0.0075) %>%
plotArt(age = 40, max.radius = 0.0075) %>%
plotArt(age = 60, max.radius = 0.0075) %>%
plotArt(age = 80, max.radius = 0.0075) %>%
plotArt(age = 90, max.radius = 0.0075) %>%
plotArt(max.radius = 0.0075)
# ------ Simulate several projects
list_projects <- parallel::mclapply(mc.cores = 5, 1:5, function(seed) randomProject(seed = seed, nedges = 'max'))
# ------ Plot several ages for a single plot
plotAges(list_projects[[1]], seq(1, 20, by = 3))
# ------ Plot a single year for multiple plots
list_projects <- lapply(list_projects, plotArt, path = 'results')
data(sample_data, package = 'dnaRt')
dnart_project <- dnart(given = 'Jacques', dob = '20/06/1992', data = sample_data)
# ---- Palette from scico package
dnart_project %>%
addRingShape() %>%
addPalette(scico::scale_fill_scico(palette = 'davos')) %>%
plotArt(age = 50)
dnart_project %>%
# addRingShape() %>%
# addPalette(scico::scale_fill_scico(palette = 'vik')) %>%
plotArt(age = 51)
# ---- Palette from Rcolorbrewer
dnart_project %>%
addRingShape() %>%
addPalette(scale_fill_distiller(palette = "RdYlBu")) %>%
plotArt(age = 52)
# ---- Palette from Wes Anderson movies
pal = scale_fill_gradientn(colours = wesanderson::wes_palette("Royal1", 5, type = "continuous"))
dnart_project %>%
addRingShape() %>%
addPalette(pal) %>%
plotArt(age = 53)
# ---- Palette generated from main colors from an image
img <- system.file("extdata", "PK03T1.jpg", package = "dnaRt")
cols <- getPaletteFromImg(img, ncols = 20)
colplot <- checkPalette(cols)
dnart_project %>%
addRingShape() %>%
addPalette(scale_fill_gradientn(colors = cols[c(1, 3:8)])) %>%
plotArt(age = 54)
# ---- Custom continuous palette from discrete colors (greys)
cols <- c('#ebebeb', '#e3e3e3', '#c9c9c9', '#636363', '#575757', '#4a4949')
dnart_project %>%
addRingShape() %>%
addPalette(scale_fill_gradientn(colors = cols)) %>%
plotArt(age = 55)
# ---- Mondrian-like palette
p <- dnart_project %>%
addRingShape() %>%
addPalette(c(rep('#3c7dff', 3), rep('#fffb00', 3), rep('#c90000', 3), rep('#ffffff', 3), '#000000')) %>%
age = 30,
maxsize = 20,
ratio = 1.8,
zoom = 6,
max.radius = 0.02,
theme.args = theme(plot.background = element_rect(fill = "#000000")),
file = "dnart_mondrian.pdf",
seed = 4
dnart_project <- dnart(given = 'Jacques', dob = '20/06/1992', data = sample_data)
# ---- Change size, ratio and zoom of plot
dnart_project %>%
maxsize = 49,
ratio = 2/3,
zoom = 3,
max.radius = 0.005,
file = 'tweaked_dnart.pdf'
# ---- Zooming to a portion of the plot
dnart_project %>%
plotArt(file = 'zoom-factor1.pdf') %>%
plotArt(zoom = 2, file = 'zoom-factor2.pdf') %>%
plotArt(zoom = 3, file = 'zoom-factor3.pdf') %>%
plotArt(zoom = 4, file = 'zoom-factor4.pdf')
# ---- Rectangle ratio
dnart_project %>%
plotArt(ratio = 3/2, file = 'ratio-3/2.pdf') %>%
plotArt(ratio = 2, file = 'ratio-2.pdf')
# ---- Adding solid background
dnart_project %>%
addPalette(scico::scale_fill_scico(palette = 'vik')) %>%
theme.args = theme(plot.background = element_rect(fill = "#fffbf2")),
pdf = 'solid-background.pdf'
# ---- Background for MPB
plotArt(dnart_project, ratio = 1.6, file = 'MBP-background.pdf')
# ------ Plot portrait or landscape
pal = scale_fill_gradientn(colours = wesanderson::wes_palette("FantasticFox1", 5, type = "continuous"))
proj <- list_projects[[1]] %>%
addPalette(pal) %>%
age = 10,
ratio = 1.66,
zoom = 3,
orientation = 'portrait',
file = 'portrait.pdf'
proj <- list_projects[[1]] %>%
addPalette(pal) %>%
age = 10,
ratio = 1.66,
zoom = 3,
orientation = 'landscape',
file = 'landscape.pdf'
# ------ Simulate several projects
list_projects <- parallel::mclapply(mc.cores = 5, 51:100, function(seed) randomProject(seed = seed))
list_plots <- parallel::mclapply(mc.cores = 5,
seq_along(list_projects), function(K) {
cols = sample(names(wesanderson::wes_palettes), 1)
pal = ggplot2::scale_fill_gradientn(colours = wesanderson::wes_palette(cols, 5, type = "continuous"))
ratio <- sample(seq(0.5, 1, by = 0.1), 1)
zoom <- sample(1:4, 1)
file <- with(list_projects[[K]], glue::glue("backgrounds/{given}_{dob}_ratio-{ratio}_zoom-{zoom}.png"))
proj <- list_projects[[K]] %>%
addPalette(pal) %>%
file = file,
ratio = ratio,
zoom = zoom,
maxsize = 24,
dpi = 120
img <- readImg(system.file("extdata", "my_photo.png", package = "dnaRt"))
size <- scales::rescale(c(dim(img)[1], dim(img)[2]), c(15*dim(img)[2]/dim(img)[1], 15))
for (dens in c(1000, 2000, 4000, 6000, 8000, 10000, 15000, 20000, 25000)) {
p <- img %>%
binImg() %>%
voronoiTiles(density = dens)
ggsave(glue::glue('voronoi_face_density-{dens}.png'), width = size[2], height = size[1])
# ---- Nice photo I took during my vacation in Greece 😁
img <- readImg(system.file("extdata", "DSC_2162.jpg", package = "dnaRt"))
size <- scales::rescale(c(dim(img)[1], dim(img)[2]), c(15*dim(img)[1]/dim(img)[2], 15))
img <- binImg(img)
p <- voronoiTiles(img, density = 15000)
ggsave('landscape.pdf', width = size[2], height = size[1])